Creativity Meets Productivity

Rhubarb Plans helps creative agencies and in-house teams to develop and deliver strategic communications plans.


Planning Tools

A one stop shop for communications strategy development, team resource planning and project ‘work in progress’ management – Rhubarb Plans gets everyone on the same page, freeing up teams to deliver.

Strategic Planner

Simplify your strategic communications planning with our step by step guide. Once you’ve drafted the strategy you can revisit and use it as a basis for the work-plan.

Resource Planner

Whether an in-house team or an agency, you can allocate project time to everyone and identify who has capacity and who has too much on their plate.


The searchable and filterable work in progress planner lets everyone share their activities. Project managers can use the WIP to keep on top of actions.


The brand section allows agencies to manage the account teams for each client and also save important notes such as billing instructions.

Get Everyone on the Same Page

Most communications strategies sit in a drive and are seldom looked at, and some organisations have no communications strategy at all. Using Rhubarb Plans you can build a strategic comms plan quickly and easily, and better still it will be on your homepage to refer to day to day. Pairing the strategy with the WIP allows you to ensure your tactical plans help you achieve the bigger picture.


Simplified Resource Planning for Comms Teams

Our communications resource plan is a simple system for agency and in-house teams. Start by entering how much time each person has in the month, then assign that time against projects. You’ll see at a glance who is free to help on the next project that comes in.

App screenshot
People working on laptops

With Rhubarb Plans you can get everyone on the same page with communications strategy and execution.

Our simple system requires no training and can be set up in minutes. The strategy development asks all the right questions to agree a clear communications approach that meets organisational goals. The teaming up of a strategy development tool, a resource plan and a live work in progress tracker have all bases covered.

SimpleSimple resource planning at the click of a button

VisualA strategic communications planning tool for everyone

Real-TimeA live work in progress to manage projects and to do lists

CollaborativeA place to store critical client or stakeholder details

Ready to dive in?Start your free trial today.